Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Adho Mukha Svasana or Downward-Facing Dog Pose: How To

According to "Yoga: The Iyengar Way," Downward Facing Dog Posture rests the heart. It is a tamasic pose. (read my entry on the gunas here )

1. Begin in Child's Pose. (learn Child's Pose here )

2. Extend the arms straight out in front of you, palms facing down.

3. Rounding the spine and tucking the tailbone, come up onto all fours.

4. Tuck the toes

5. Extend the spine, lifting the tailbone and turning your gaze upwards.

6.Exhale and roll your body like a wave on the ocean as you straighten your legs and drop your head and chest towards the ground. It is okay to keep the knees slightly bent or the heels off of the ground at first, to accomodate varying levels of flexibility.

7. Check your alignment. Roll the pressure on your hands in towards the thumbs. Take the pressure off of your wrists by "milking" the earth or your mat with your fingertips.

8. Lift the sit bones as high as you can. Work your belly towards the front of your thighs. Flex the quads and feel the energy spiraling up from the heels, through the inner legs and out through the hips. Try to open the heart (chest) as much as possible.

7. Exhale and come out of the pose, slowly.

8. Email me or post a comment with any questions!

hands-on adjustments can really help you learn the postures

(Photography copyright of Chelsea K Nielsen)

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